1997.01.12 00:55 "Small bug report.", by Adam Jenkins


This concerns a bug in libtiff v3.4beta035. Apologies if this has already been fixed.

In the file tif_dirwrite.c, in function TIFFWriteRationalArray, there is the following warning message.

TIFFWriteRationalArray(TIFF* tif,
    TIFFDataType type, ttag_t tag, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint32 n, float* v)
... code removed ...
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                float fv = v[i];
                ... more stuff removed ...
                if (fv < 0) {
                        if (type == TIFF_RATIONAL) {
        "\"%s\": Information lost writing value (%g) as (unsigned) RATIONAL",
                                _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif,tag)->field_name, v);
... rest removed ...

The "v" in the TIFFWarning call is a (float *), but it should be a (float). It looks like this should be "fv" instead.
