2001.03.21 15:19 "Wang tiff", by Neil Durant

2001.03.23 13:09 "Re: Wang tiff", by Ross

I sent to Frank some updates or changes I had added to some old version to read some of the OJPEG and TIFF/IT tags, as well as some other TIFF-related tags.

With the help of people on this list, Andy (me) reverse engineered the Wang JPEG images in a couple e-mails, then I posted some code for how to do it, where the specification was unavailable from Wang.

I hush the warning and error ouput, yet test for return values.

So, I put it in my PDF software.


contact Ross
company Apex Internet Software
email info@apexinternetsoftware.com
website http://www.apexinternetsoftware.com/