1998.12.16 15:09 "Location of various TIFF images.", by Jim Rice

1998.12.16 15:32 "Re: Location of various TIFF images.", by Bjorn Brox

Is there an archive of the various formats used in TIFF images. I would like to test an application but don't actually have samples of all the different file methods. (And yes, I realise that there this would mean alot of pictures.)

If you are asking about TIFF's of various formates you can create them yourself using the programs in the tools directory, among these: tiffcp

Example: $BW_FILE is a G4, black and white file, where you can create all variants with: (korn-shell)

#TIFF Directory at offset 0x21c2
#  Image Width: 640 Image Length: 1024
#  Bits/Sample: 1
#  Compression Scheme: CCITT Group 4
#  Photometric Interpretation: min-is-black
#  Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
#  Samples/Pixel: 1
#  Rows/Strip: 1024
#  Planar Configuration: single image plane

for c in lzw zip packbits \
        g3 g3:1d g3:2d g3:1d:fill g3:2d:fill \
        g4 \
        none; do
    for bm in MM LL ; do
        for f in lsb2msb msb2lsb ; do
            print tiffcp -r -1 -${bm#?} -c ${c} $BW_FILE \
            tiffcp -r -1 -${bm#?} -c ${c} $BW_FILE \
for l in 64 100 1024; do
    print tiffcp -s -r ${l} -c g4 $BW_FILE ${DST_DIR}/g4_strip_${l}.tif
    tiffcp -s -r ${l} -c g4 $BW_FILE ${DST_DIR}/g4_strip_${l}.tif
    for w in 64 100 ; do
        print tiffcp -t -w ${w} -l ${l} -c g4 $BW_FILE \
        tiffcp -t -w ${w} -l ${l} -c g4 $BW_FILE \

Bjorn Brox, CORENA Norge AS, http://www.corena.no/
Kirkegaardsvn. 45, P.O.Box 1024, N-3601 Kongsberg, NORWAY
Phone: +47 32737435, Fax: +47 32736877, Mobile: +47 92638590