2003.09.30 14:38 "[Tiff] how can i show the different TIFF tile image on the computer screen?", by Zuyuan Wang

2003.09.30 15:27 "[Tiff] how can i show the different TIFF tile image on the computer screen?", by Kai-Uwe Behrmann

I am the new libtiff study. What I have done till now is that I can read out the different tile data from the different directory. But I don't know what the tile data is, how can I show it on the screen? Is it possible for me to read the image as one whole part? Waiting for your reply.... I am very confused about the TIFF format....

Tiff is an complex format to serve very different needs.

The most simple way to read tiff data is with

      TIFFReadRGBAImage(tif, width, height, buffer, 0);

all data are represented as RGB with alpha, 8 bit.

The tile interface is to speed up the reading for tiffs saved in an tiled fashion (versus stripped tiffs - the other way to store data in tiffs).

To read more look in the documentation html/libtiff.html. It is very helpful.


Kai-Uwe Behrmann