2020.01.18 13:19 "[Tiff] Warnings while building tools", by Miguel Medalha

2020.01.18 13:19 "[Tiff] Warnings while building tools", by Miguel Medalha

I built libtiff 4.10 on Windows using Microsoft's Visual Studio nmake.

I encountered a small glitch with the tiffset tool, which wouldn't build, complaining that 'strtoll' was undefined. After some web search I solved this by replacing 'strtoll' with '_strtoi64' in 'tiffset.c'. After this, all wen well.

Some of the tools, although they build successfully, keep giving many warnings of the kind "conversion from 'tsize_t' to 'uint32', possible loss of data", "conversion from 'uint64' to 'uint32', possible loss of data", and so on.

The tools giving the warnings are 'tiff2pdf' (20 warnings), 'tiff2ps' (3 warnings), 'tiffcp' (15 warnings), and 'tiffcrop' (45 warnings). I use the first three in the post-processing of scanned images, and the "possible loss of data" part concerns me somewhat.

What could be done to correct the issues generating those warnings?

Than you to the developers for this outstanding piece of software.