2008.07.28 08:49 "[Tiff] CVS access", by Mateusz Łoskot

2008.08.12 00:41 "Re: [Tiff] windows 64 bit build", by Edward Lam

Oops, I forgot to mention that if you dealing with large files, then it might be best to test on CVS head. For example, in 3.7.0, tif_win32.c won't help you at all because it sets dwMoveHigh to 0 when calling SetFilePointer() in _tiffSeekProc().


On Mon, August 11, 2008 13:57, Mikhail Kruk wrote:

I'm trying to build LibTiff for 64 bit Windows.
sure what's the best way to handle this problem in tif_win32.c I'm not

(in TIFFOpen()):

tif = TIFFFdOpen((int)fd, name, mode);

fd is a void * which is 64 bit on Windows, int is 32 bit.
