2015.02.19 20:27 "[Tiff] Writing new tags to a TIFF file", by Arnold

2015.02.19 20:27 "[Tiff] Writing new tags to a TIFF file", by Arnold

Some time ago I ended up creating a number ( ~150- 200 ) TIFF files, but the software that created them did not include a creation date.

Is it possible, as part of other work with these tiff files, to write the data & time to these files?

My current attempts seem to fail, although there is no indication of any errors and TIFFSetField() returns 1

// TIFF *tif=TIFFOpen( wsFilePathAndName.c_str(), "rw");//

// // from http://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/tifftags/datetime.html// // // The format is: "YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS", with hours like those on a 24-hour clock, //

// //and one space character between the date and the time. The length
of the string, //
// //including the terminating NUL, is 20 bytes. //
// int i = TIFFSetField( tif, TIFFTAG_DATETIME, ///"2013:09:10
14:53:42"/ );//
// TIFFClose(tif);/

What am I missing?
