2017.11.21 13:15 "[Tiff] Write a tif with JPG compression", by Emmanuel Cosnard

2017.11.22 21:30 "Re: [Tiff] Write a tif with JPG compression", by Bob Friesenhahn

On Wed, 22 Nov 2017, Kemp Watson wrote:

> OK, so the "TIFF Library and Utilities² is Roger? that¹s good.

The master could live on (well-named) GitLab/libtiff, and I could host a mirror on GitHub/bigtiff/tiff or some such. Plus anybody else can continue to mirror, only now on Git as opposed to aging CVS. An awful lot of advantages to this. Plus both repos can have multiple administrators in case Roger and I are having lunch and a truck comes through the window, not so uncommon these days.

Still the issue of domain names, but it¹s a different issue than the physical location of the code.

I am a major fan of redundancy (locations and people), particularly since the TIFF project is not owned by a huge multi-national company that people imagine could never possibly fail or lose interest. Instead it is assisted and propelled by interested parties (mostly unpaid individuals) and even the kindness of strangers. Interested parties tend to come and go and sometimes there is no predicting when they may go.

Even Github is subject to possible failure. SourceForge almost failed several times already but has proven resilient, with a backup system which actually worked (unlike Gitlab which lost some data)

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/