2010.07.17 23:46 "[Tiff] fromskew/toskew", by Sergius Bobrovsky

2010.07.20 14:45 "Re: [Tiff] fromskew/toskew", by Bob Friesenhahn

Hello Olivier,

thanks, now I know that my mails do get to the list. maybe Frank Warmerdam or someone else will eventually answer :-)

I think that the real answer is that while various libtiff maintainers might know a lot about certain parts of libtiff, a question like this requires that they would need study libtiff source code similar to the person who asked the question. While there might be someone with a ready answer, there is no "fountain of knowledge" when it comes to libtiff. Libtiff is a volunteer project which requires some hard work from its volunteers, when they happen to be available. There is no harm from asking detailed questions, but if there is no response, it is best to assume that the answer was not immediately known. It is unlikely that a libtiff maintainer will spend time researching to find the answer when they have other tasks to do.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/