2000.06.20 21:51 "Configure for linux DSO (v3.5.5)", by Richard E Nairn

2000.06.20 21:51 "Configure for linux DSO (v3.5.5)", by Richard E Nairn

Hi there,

I just upgraded to v3.5.5, supposedly the bug for testing against libc.so.6 was fixed, but when I ran the configure it didn`t detect it correctly. This in on Redhat 6.1, with bash as my shell. I know it specifies /bin/sh but I believe that is just bash running in sh mode... any how here is the fix that I used. (replace || with -o for the logical or)

diff -ur tiff-v3.5.5/configure tiff-v3.5.5-old/configure
--- tiff-v3.5.5/configure       Mon Mar 20 11:20:42 2000
+++ tiff-v3.5.5-old/configure   Tue Jun 20 15:42:30 2000
@@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@
        TIFFLIBREF='-L${DEPTH}/libtiff -ltiff'
-       if [ -r /lib/libc.so.6 || -r /lib/libc.so.5 ]; then
+       if [ -r /lib/libc.so.6 -o  -r /lib/libc.so.5 ]; then

Richard Nairn
Nairn Consulting
** Email ren@spans.gscc.nrcan.gc.ca   **
**       nairnr@cadvision.com         **
**       nconsulting@cadvision.com    **