2008.02.06 10:01 "[Tiff] Why is TIFF/zip not a default option?", by Anders Sewerin Johansen

2008.02.06 10:01 "[Tiff] Why is TIFF/zip not a default option?", by Anders Sewerin Johansen


We (The Royal Danish Library and partners) are investigating image formats for long term preservation and digital substitution.

Can anybody at the mailing list elaborate on why zip/deflate compression of image data is not enabled as a default in libtiff? Is it e.g. because it's still considered experimental, or is there some other reason (technical, legal, "inertia",...)?

  Anders S. Johansen, KB-DK

Anders Sewerin Johansen
Softwareudvikler | Software Developer

Det Kongelige Bibliotek | The Royal Library

Digital Bevaring | Digital Preservation

P.O. Box 2149 | DK-1016 København K

tel +45 3347 4691 | asjo@kb.dk | www.kb.dk <http://www.kb.dk/> 

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