2022.07.07 18:58 "[Tiff] ABI compatibility for libtiff v4.4.0", by Abhi Baruah

2022.07.07 18:58 "[Tiff] ABI compatibility for libtiff v4.4.0", by Abhi Baruah


I am a developer at MathWorks and I am trying to upgrade the version of libtiff that we use for MATLAB from v4.2.0 to v4.4.0.

What is the state of ABI compatibility between versions 4.2.0 and v4.3.0, and between v4.3.0 and v4.4.0? Are v4.2.0, v4.3.0 and v4.4.0 backwards compatible?

I referred the link here (https://abi-laboratory.pro/index.php?view=timeline&l=libtiff ) but it only has the ABI compatibility report till v4.2.0.

Abhi Baruah
The MathWorks, Inc.