2006.04.14 14:59 "[Tiff] TIFFReadScanline with JPEG compression", by Jason Summers

2006.04.17 20:47 "Re: [Tiff] TIFFReadScanline with JPEG compression", by Jason Summers

I'm having trouble getting libtiff's TIFFReadScanline function to work

If your need is urgent, I recommend using strip access without JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB. That part was recently serviced, and should work fine (as you seem to indicate). For other approaches, please feel free to file a bug report in BugZilla, and post a follow-up with the exact URL of the BugZilla entry here. I'll try and deal with it as soon as I can.

Thanks for the reply. It's not important, but I did some more testing and filed some bug reports anyway.
