2000.08.16 13:42 "Raster information in a tiff file", by Sylvain St-Germain


My problem is to write information from a raster (8 bits grayscale no header) to a tiff file. I don't know how and i can't explain why it does not work.

  1. the buffer is limited to 8kb ???
  2. the method to emulate tdata_t is not right, it is possible with TIFFWriteBufferSetup ?


void Ecrire_Image(TIFF *tif, uint8 *buffer)


---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
  char    ch;                           /* pixel information grayscale 8 bit from the raster */
  uint32  compteur = 0;               /* for count */
  FILE    *flecture = NULL;          /* ratser file contain only 8 bit pixel no header */
  uint32  max = 891374;             /* number of pixel flecture contain => 687 (lenght) * 1307 (width) */

   if ( (flecture = fopen("decoupage1.raw","rb")) == NULL)
                        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR opening file.\n");


---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
  try to emulate tdata_t of the TIFFWriteScanline function with buffer

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   buffer = (uint8*) _TIFFmalloc (max);

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  read the raster and construct the buffer information for storage

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------

   for ( compteur =0; compteur < max; compteur ++)
                        ch = fgetc(flecture);
                        buffer[compteur] = (uint8) ch ;

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
  now the problem => memory fault core dump TIFFWriteScanline

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
   if (!TIFFWriteScanline(tif, buffer, compteur, 0))
                        TIFFError("WriteImage","failure in WriteScanline\n");

   free (buffer);