1993.10.09 22:30 "Histogram Equalization", by Manavendra Misra

1993.10.15 21:54 "Re: Histogram Equalization", by Dan Seyb

I have some images with pretty bad contrast. I was told that a histogram equalization would solve that problem. Is there some tool to perform equalization on tiff images? Thanks!!

Depends. XV's Color Map Editing functions offer a histogram equalization function, along with a bunch of other image fiddling techniques.

If your image is such that XV can handle it without major complications, that would probably be the best way if you just have a couple images to massage.

If you are going to be getting fifty images a week, the only suggestion i have is write a quick program.

XV is available from ftp.uu.net:/pub/window-sys/X/contrib, if you don't already have a copy.

