2005.01.27 15:26 "[Tiff] TIFFSetField bug?", by Antoine

2005.01.27 19:59 "Re: [Tiff] TIFFSetField bug?", by Antoine

Does the same bug exist in 3.7.1 or the CVS/development version?

This is from the manpage of TIFFSetField:

TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP            1      uint32             - must be > 0

So I can therefore only conclude that when I call this in my hacked tiffcp:


and get:

antt@tux tools $ ./tiffdump testout.tif

Magic: 0x4949 <little-endian> Version: 0x2a
Directory 0: offset 49640 (0xc1e8) next 0 (0)
SubFileType (254) LONG (4) 1 <2>
ImageWidth (256) SHORT (3) 1 <2489>
ImageLength (257) SHORT (3) 1 <3507>
BitsPerSample (258) SHORT (3) 1 <1>
Compression (259) SHORT (3) 1 <4>
Photometric (262) SHORT (3) 1 <0>
FillOrder (266) SHORT (3) 1 <1>
StripOffsets (273) LONG (4) 1 <8>
Orientation (274) SHORT (3) 1 <1>
SamplesPerPixel (277) SHORT (3) 1 <1>
RowsPerStrip (278) SHORT (3) 1 <8192>
StripByteCounts (279) LONG (4) 1 <49632>
XResolution (282) RATIONAL (5) 1 <300>
YResolution (283) RATIONAL (5) 1 <300>
PlanarConfig (284) SHORT (3) 1 <1>
Group4Options (293) LONG (4) 1 <0>

That this must be a bug. I would love to have my pitiful knowledge of c shown to be the problem!
