2017.01.20 19:06 "[Tiff] Fwd: TIFF image displayed upside down", by Vincent Torri

2017.01.27 13:00 "[Tiff] Iprovement suggestions of the libtiff documentation", by Vincent Torri


i've experienced some problems with the display of a TIFF file that I have described in my previous mail in this mailing list. Even if this problem is solved, i would like to suggest 2 improvements:

1) Olivier Paquet mentioned that the man page of TIFFRGBAImageGet() says:

"(Note that the raster is assume to be organized such that the pixel

at location (x,y) is raster[y*width+x]; with the raster origin in the

lower-left hand corner.)"

This comment, which is imho important, is lost in a big paragraph. Maybe you should use a bold font to emphasize this comment and/or add it to the "Note" section

2) to solve my problem, i have followed Mickey Rose's suggestion:


After you intiialize the TIFFRGBAImage structure with TIFFRGBAImageBegin, set img->req_orientation = ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT (it defaults to BOTLEFT).

TIFFRGBAImageGet will then output the top row first."

I think that such comment should be in the libtiff documentation (http://simplesystems.org/libtiff/libtiff.html)

best regards

Vincent Torri