2023.04.06 12:38 "[Tiff] TIFF/EP", by David C. Partridge

2023.04.07 01:29 "Re: [Tiff] TIFF/EP", by David C. Partridge

I found some information after a lot of googling! I now have some sample data that makes sense.

Quick summary: Using data from the definition to the A302 TIFF Tag:

The value consists of:

This identification code can be:

  1. = Red
  2. = Green
  3. = Blue
  4. = Cyan
  5. = Magenta
  6. = Yellow
  7. = White

and now looking at some data extracted from some TIFF files:

TIFF Tag(33421) 0x828d Type(3) ushort(2) ISO CFARepeatPattern: 2 2
TIFF Tag(33422) 0x828e Type(1) ubyte(4) ISO CFAPattern: 0x00010102
EXIF Tag(41730) 0xa302 Type(7) undef(8) CFAPattern: 0x0002000200010102

It all begins to make sense.

