2010.02.11 21:56 "[Tiff] TIFF and IJG JPEG 8", by Bob Friesenhahn

2010.03.19 23:43 "Re: [Tiff] TIFFVStripSize overflow, JPEG decoding", by Bob Friesenhahn

Oh yes, it should definitely be using 64-bits on 64-bit architectures. But it should also use 64-bits on 32-bit architectures.

That would be quite odd. Instead of taking this approach, libtiff 4 interface elements have only been enlarged where necessary so that the API is minimally impacted.

Except for address space considerations (malloc, mmap, etc), the 32-bit libtiff should be able to read anything the 64-bit libtiff can. Right now it doesn't let me read the tags out of a (crazy) TIFF file on a 32-bit system that it does on a 64-bit system. I never want to read a strip, just the tags. A strip read would totally fail on 32-bit (because of address space) and almost certainly on 64-bit (because of actual memory).

A tag read could fail as well since the tag value may be very large. The tag value is retrieved when the tag is retrieved.

Usually 32-bit users don't expect to be able to do everything that a 64-bit user can do because of limits on memory allocation size.

Libtiff 4 might still have some bugs so if you find a bug, please submit the patch (via the bugzilla tracking system) to fix it.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/