2021.06.15 15:33 "[Tiff] Caution if using mozjpeg and IJG libjpeg 9d", by Even Rouault

2021.06.15 15:33 "[Tiff] Caution if using mozjpeg and IJG libjpeg 9d", by Even Rouault


A word of caution for those using mozjpeg or IJG libjpeg 9d for creating JPEG-in-TIFF files. It has been found that current libtiff releases can generate non-conformant (mozjpeg case) or broken (libjpeg 9d case) files. See https://gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff/-/issues/266 for more details.

https://gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff/-/merge_requests/254 and https://gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff/-/merge_requests/255 have been merged with workarounds to make libtiff work with those JPEG libraries.


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