2021.05.06 02:09 "[Tiff] Use and implementation of Deflate vs. AdobeDeflate in libtiff", by David Ryskalczyk

2021.05.06 14:52 "Re: [Tiff] Use and implementation of Deflate vs. AdobeDeflate in libtiff", by David Ryskalczyk

We should only emit it when creating a new file. I believe it should be done around https://gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff/-/blob/master/libtiff/tif_dir.c#L24

I tried this; TIFFSetField is still called from TIFFReadDirectory. I think I'll have to do it in TIFFWriteDirectorySec in tif_dirwrite.c to obtain the desired behavior. I could do it in TIFFWriteDirectory, but then it would not be triggered on use of TIFFCheckpointDirectory or TIFFWriteCustomDirectory.