2007.01.15 18:49 "[Tiff] Windows CE port in CVS", by Mateusz Loskot

2007.01.15 18:49 "[Tiff] Windows CE port in CVS", by Mateusz Loskot


Today, I submitted port of libtiff for Windows CE platform to the CVS. All changes are listed in ChangeLog file.

Before the commit, I did test build libtiff for both platforms: Windows NT (using Visual C++ 8.0) and for Windows CE.

It seems I've not broken any existing code with my port.

Currently, I submitted only changes to libtiff sources. I've not added any makefile/project file yet.

I think, later I'll add README.WINCE file with description about what sources to compile, so everyone will be able to configure project file, makefile, Jamfile, whatever, on his own, instead of providing one of them in the CVS.

Best regards

Mateusz Loskot