2020.12.22 13:59 "[Tiff] Naming of the 'libtiff' libraries in Windows - proposal", by Miguel Medalha

2020.12.23 20:31 "Re: [Tiff] Naming of the 'libtiff' libraries in Windows - proposal", by Miguel Medalha

The expectation with the CMake build is that you use BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to choose static or shared. There are no naming > conflicts because there’s only one variant being built.

I can live with that. I just noticed that some other 'cmake' projects I use build both the static and the dynamic libraries at once.

I don’t understand the actual requirements here. If you are using the static version, why are you also building a dynamic version?

I don't really understand this question, but well, I'm probably ignorant or just dumb... I need the dynamic library to use with some tools, for example the tools included with libtiff, and I need the static library to build some other tools I use. What is strange here? As I said above, some other projects build both libraries at once (liddeflate, leptonica, jpegturbo, zlib, zstd...).

But ok, let's forget my stupid initial proposal.

Just one question: why is the nmake build using the 'libtiff' naming convention if that is so disruptive?