1999.10.29 08:30 "about Tiff printer", by 汤晓冬

1999.10.29 14:27 "Re: about Tiff printer", by Chris Barker

I suggest you buy our tiff printer driver! If you don't want to pay the price $(380) then you can try writing one, but writing a printer driver is not a trivial project. There is some sample source code in the Microsoft DDK (device driver kit) but its still no picnic.

Note that for Windows 9x, you still need to write a 16-bit driver!!! (and you thought we had finally escaped 16-bit code with segment limitations!)

For Windows NT, there is much less in the way of samples. So you lose or you lose. Thank you Microsoft.

There is also the problem that simple raster-file writers depend on calling the *disply driver*(!) to do their rendering! So a broken display driver (which all too many are, surprisingly) can cause your print-to-raster to fail mysteriously. Great.

Barker's law: For every inaction, there is an equal and opposite excuse.

Check out Interlinear's web page at http://www.ilt.com