2008.10.14 18:00 "[Tiff] debugging on Windows", by Rajmohan Banavi

2008.11.14 08:29 "[Tiff] Memory leak (TIFFOpen, TIFFReadTile)?", by Ilkka Korpela


I have some huge TIFFs, size upto 2 gB, 1, 3 or 4 bands, 2 bytes per band, tiled. Huge aerial image-scanner mats with the ads80 instrument,

I'm trying to make untiled greyscale/rgb pixel-interleaved raw-image versions, I am working with MS Vis studio 6 and C in an XP machine.

I believe I am using the 3.6.1 version of libbtiff. libtiff.lib is from Feb 2004.

  I now have a working solution for the task of untiling and writing
a bip-image, but there is a memory leak somewhere? I am reading
and converting a 1517454784 bytes file. XP's task manager tells me
  the process is gradually consuming nearly 1.3 Gbytes at the end.

I tried with _TIFFmalloc() and malloc() but it does not make a difference - memory consumption goes up. Any suggestions out there? Here is the simple code (include statements not there),:


struct NRGB16 {
  uint16 N;
  uint16 R;
  uint16 G;
  uint16 B;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

// Open the 1-2 GByte block file (ads40-imagery)
TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen("c:\\temp\\ads40\\O-08230753NRGBN00AL2_0_0.tif", "r");
FILE *fOut;
  uint32 i;
         if (tif) {
         uint32 imageWidth, imageLength;
         uint32 tileWidth, tileLength;
         uint32 x, y;
           NRGB16* buf;
         unsigned char Red, Green, Nir;
           int Column, Row, OldRow;
          // Query the Image & Tile dimensions

         TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &imageWidth);
         TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &imageLength);
         TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, &tileWidth);
         TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, &tileLength);

// Open the output file, 3-channel viewable version of the aerial image
OldRow = -1;
// Allocate storage for the 4-channel, 2 bytes per channel image TILE
                  buf = (NRGB16*)malloc(tileLength*tileWidth*4*2);
// Start untiling the image
          for (y = 0; y < imageLength; y += tileLength)
           for (x = 0; x < imageWidth; x += tileWidth)
           i=TIFFReadTile(tif, &buf[0], x, y, 0, 0);
           for (i=0;i < tileLength*tileWidth;i=i+1)
           { // Carry out simple 16-8 bit reduction
           Nir = 255; Green = 255; Red = 255;
          if ( double(buf[i].N)/20 <= 255) Nir = unsigned char(buf[i].N/20);
          if ( double(buf[i].R)/15 <= 255) Red = unsigned char(buf[i].R/15);
          if ( double(buf[i].G)/15 <= 255) Green = unsigned char(buf[i].G/15);
            // Compute the global col,row coordinates in the untiled image
            Column = x + (i % tileWidth);
            Row = y + (i / tileWidth);
         // Check if we started a new row, set the file pointer accordingly
    if (Row != OldRow) {fseek(fOut,Row*imageWidth*3+Column*3, SEEK_SET);}
    OldRow = Row;
    // Write the RGB-bytes
    fwrite(&Nir, 1, 1, fOut);
    fwrite(&Green, 1, 1, fOut);
    fwrite(&Red, 1, 1, fOut);
    // Memory leak? Try reallocating the buf
    buf = (NRGB16*)realloc(buf,tileLength*tileWidth*4*2);
// Watch for memory sizes of these blocks (showing no leak here)
    printf("%d %d\n",_msize(tif),_msize(buf));
    // Finally free everything
  return 0;

Ilkka Korpela