2007.10.01 05:03 "[Tiff] solaris x86-64 bit image port issue : Can not read TIFF directory count.", by Shivraj Patil

2007.10.01 15:01 "RE: [Tiff] solaris x86-64 bit image port issue : Can not read TIFF directory count.", by Bob Friesenhahn

  [[shivraj]] Upgraded the Kernel version aacordingly but no success.

Sorry about that. I did not expect the update to solve a libtiff problem. The issue was fresh on my mind due to applying that patch on my own system that same day. :-)

  What version of libtiff are you using? Can you provide the problem

 image? Does it occur with all TIFF images or just a few?

You did not answer the two questions above.

I am using 3.9.0beta (compiled with GCC 4.2.1) on my own Solaris 10 Opteron system and have not encountered a problem yet. I don't think that the 4.X code is very usable yet so I can't recommend it.

The libtiff that comes with Solaris 10 is pretty recent (3.8.2) and was working fine before I substituted my own build. Take care that the correct libtiff library is actually being used. If you built libtiff with shared libraries, it is possible that the OS version of libtiff is accidentally being used.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/