2018.11.04 20:20 "[Tiff] Libtiff will be released soon", by Bob Friesenhahn

2018.11.07 19:19 "Re: [Tiff] Libtiff will be released soon", by Bob Friesenhahn

It seems unlikely that we will receive any official information before the forthcoming libtiff release. There has been no sharing of recently assigned numbers on this list so that probably won't happen.

The harm which occurs due to conflicting with an existing proprietary assignment is likely very low.

Give the above, I am in favor of using the existing self-assignments for this next release, and forever after that.


Let's hope that Leonard can help poke the right person at Adobe - it's unfortunate that they are a pretty opaque company. But yes, even a small block of unassigned numbers would provide some breathing room, both for TIFF tags, and compression numbers. Personally, I'm in need of a private IFD number, too, and I'm at a loss.

On 2018-11-05, 10:28 AM, "Bob Friesenhahn" <bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us> wrote:

Unfortunately, TIFF is generally not at the top of my "hot mess" list...

Re "Private TIFF tags have no business in libtiff header files since libtiff does not use them. Libtiff can offer to store such information in a file in its source repository, suitably vetted to any trade secret issues.": if this is the case, may I submit a change request to have lines 376 through 619 of tiff.h removed, including your recent additions of ZSTD and WebP.

It looks like some/many of these tags are indeed used within libtiff library code but I get your point.

Adobe could help a lot by providing us with two safe numbers to use for Zstd and WebP compression so we can get a release out without endangering existing assignments. It should not be necessary to resurrect the web interface which was taken down in order to accomplish this.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/