2011.01.10 16:18 "[Tiff] Missing mkstemp() on Visual Studio 2008", by Jeff McKenna

2011.01.10 20:35 "Re: [Tiff] Missing mkstemp() on Visual Studio 2008", by Edward Lam

On 1/10/2011 1:59 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Thank you for your response. The changes made through this ticket recently (http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2118) indeed changed from using tmpfile() to mkstemp(). I am unable to compile on Windows because of this change. How should I compile CVS HEAD on windows therefore?

Then I move that the patch be reverted. Why was it even necessary to use mkstemp() when we don't care about the file name? Not to mention that the new code uses a fixed length buffer that could in theory cause a buffer overflow.
