2004.09.19 12:40 "[Tiff] [ANNOUNCE]: Libtiff 3.7.0beta released", by Andrey Kiselev

Hi, folks,

Libtiff 3.7.0beta has been released today. Source code packages available at the our FTP site:


Among many bugfixes there are two visible changes: LZW support now included in the mainstream library (and you don't need the separate lzw-compression-kit package anymore) and new bmp2tiff utility (as the name states it converts BMP files into TIFF images).

Please, test the portability of the library on your favorite platforms. Note, that there is preliminary test suite now. To run tests you should do

 $ configure
 $ make check

Sorry, there are no MSVC makefiles for tests yet.

Libtiff web site is still here:



Andrey V. Kiselev
Home phone: +7 812 5274898 ICQ# 26871517