2004.01.23 04:48 "[Tiff] How to convert MINISBLACK to PHOTOMETRIC_RGB", by Pushkar Pradhan

2004.01.23 17:16 "Re: [Tiff] How to convert MINISBLACK to PHOTOMETRIC_RGB", by Joris Van Damme

> samples/bands/channels.

I'm confused. It's only now I (think I) understand the word 'band' is used as another word for 'channel' and 'sample' throughout this discussion. Is that correct? It's confusing, since it to me that word seems to be more like 'strip' then like 'channel' or 'sample'.

I haven't got anything to contribute to the discussion, but I am interested. Is it possible to send me a copy of the TIFF file? If so, please send it to

joris.at.lebbeke@skynet.be. Thanks.
