2011.03.17 17:01 "[Tiff] tiffsplit crashes on Solaris (sparc and intel), okay on Linux", by Amitava Dutta

Hi TIFF experts,

I have a tiff file that causes a crash with tiffsplit when run on Solaris (Sparc or Intel) but not on Linux.

It works successfully on
Red Hat Linux 2.4.18 -- libtiff.so.3.5

but crashes on
Solaris 9 on Sparc -- libtiff.so.3.7.1
Solaris 9 on Sparc -- libtiff.so.3.9.4
Solaris 10 on Intel -- libtiff.so.3.8.2

and in each case pstack shows stack trace like

$ pstack /var/core/core.tiffsplit.15965
core '/var/core/core.tiffsplit.15965' of 15965: /usr/local/bin/tiffsplit file.tiff
 ff32a4e8 _TIFFVGetField (26280, 124, ffbff260, 67, 27e48, 2a) + 1a0
 ff3498f0 PredictorVGetField (26280, 124, ffbff25c, ff3213c4, 3, 26288) + 30
 ff32acd0 TIFFVGetField (26280, 124, ffbff25c, ff34d838, ff34d848, ff34d858) + 70
 ff32ac50 TIFFGetField (26280, 124, ffbff2a4, 0, 0, 26000) + 1c

 00011754 tiffcp   (26280, 285f8, ffbff321, ffbff318, ffbfffdd, 404) + 1f8
 0001135c main     (fffffffe, 285f8, ffbff7a0, 26130, 0, 0) + 98
 0001115c _start   (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 5c

Running tiffinfo produces following:

$ tiffinfo file.tiff

file.tiff: Warning, unknown field with tag 292 (0x124) ignored.

file.tiff: Warning, unknown field with tag 326 (0x146) ignored.

file.tiff: Warning, unknown field with tag 327 (0x147) ignored.

file.tiff: Warning, unknown field with tag 328 (0x148) ignored.

file.tiff: Warning, unknown field with tag 37680 (0x9330) ignored.

TIFF Directory at offset 0xb156
    Subfile Type: (0 = 0x0)
    Image Width: 1728 Image Length: 2162
    Resolution: 204, 196 pixels/inch
    Bits/Sample: 1
    Compression Scheme: LZW
    Photometric Interpretation: min-is-black
    Date & Time: "2010/07/28 14:19:00"
    Software: "....."
    Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
    Samples/Pixel: 1
    Rows/Strip: 56
    Planar Configuration: single image plane

 Page Number: 1-1
 Predictor: none 1 (0x1)

file.tiff: Warning, unknown field with tag 292 (0x124) ignored.

file.tiff: Warning, unknown field with tag 326 (0x146) ignored.

file.tiff: Warning, unknown field with tag 327 (0x147) ignored.

file.tiff: Warning, unknown field with tag 328 (0x148) ignored.

TIFF Directory at offset 0x14512
    Subfile Type: (0 = 0x0)
    Image Width: 1728 Image Length: 2162
    Resolution: 204, 196 pixels/inch
    Bits/Sample: 1
    Compression Scheme: LZW
    Photometric Interpretation: min-is-black
    Date & Time: "2010/07/28 14:19:00"
    Software: "......."
    Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
    Samples/Pixel: 1
    Rows/Strip: 56
    Planar Configuration: single image plane

 Page Number: 1-1
 Predictor: none 1 (0x1)

What could I do to make it work properly on Solaris 9 on Sparc?

Is there a place I could upload a copy of the TIFF if you need to see it?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards
Amitava Dutta