1998.04.30 17:01 "libtiff vers. 3.4 beta 037, unresolved external symbol _TIFFInitSGILog", by Wolfram Bettermann

1998.04.30 18:44 "Re: libtiff vers. 3.4 beta 037, unresolved external symbol _TIFFInitSGILog", by Rex Jolliff

LIBC.lib(wincrt0.obj): error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol

Does anyone has a clue for error 2 (I can't find anything in the online help)?

DId you build your app using the MFC AppWizard? If so I got a similar error until I realized that _every_ source module (even ones that contain no GUI specific code) must include <stdafx.h> first to cause correct link libraries to be used.
