1998.04.30 17:01 "libtiff vers. 3.4 beta 037, unresolved external symbol _TIFFInitSGILog", by Wolfram Bettermann

1998.04.30 21:05 "Re: libtiff vers. 3.4 beta 037, unresolved external symbol _TIFFInitSGILog", by Bill Davis

LIBC.lib(wincrt0.obj): error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol

Does anyone has a clue for error 2 (I can't find anything in the online help)?

DId you build your app using the MFC AppWizard? If so I got a similar error until I realized that _every_ source module (even ones that contain no GUI specific code) must include <stdafx.h> first to cause correct link libraries to be used.

I have not tried building libTIFF under windows yet, but you do not have to include stdafx.h in all files under Visual C++ 5.0. But you do have to turn off precompiled headers for any files that do not include stdafx.h. You may want to try turning off precompiled headers for all the TIFF files.

Bill Davis