2004.03.24 13:19 "[Tiff] bug/annoyance: top-left orientation warning message in tiffcp/tiff-3.6.1", by Steven Enderle

2004.03.24 13:19 "[Tiff] bug/annoyance: top-left orientation warning message in tiffcp/tiff-3.6.1", by Steven Enderle

Dear Developers,

we had an upgrade this week from older libtiff (latest 3.5.?) to tiff-3.6.1.

We use libtiff for mass converting tiff images (eg. singlepage to multipage).

After the upgrade, when using the 3.6.1 tiffcp (-a 1.tif 2.tif multipage.tif), we get a warning message for every created multipage tiff about missing orientation:

"WARNING img.tif: using top-left orientation"

What is this warning about at all? I could not find anything in the TIFF6 Spec about the importance of that tag and we don't have any problems with source images and created multipage images.

Could this warning be disabled/optional in future? Its annoying, because our staff needs to monitor the conversion run.

I could commit a patch for either disabling the warning or making it optional via cmd line flag to tiffcp. Just drop me a mail for that. I would be happy, if it could get commited to the next release.

Thanks for your help and your great software!


running libtiff on FreeBSD 5.2.1

This is the part in tools/tiffcp.c:

          * Will copy `Orientation' tag from input image
         TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, &orientation);
         switch (orientation) {
                 case ORIENTATION_BOTRIGHT:
                 case ORIENTATION_RIGHTBOT:      /* XXX */
                 case ORIENTATION_LEFTBOT:       /* XXX */
deleted here ->                        TIFFWarning(TIFFFileName(in), "using bottom-left orientation");
                         orientation = ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT;
                 /* fall thru... */
                 case ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT:
                 case ORIENTATION_TOPRIGHT:
                 case ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP:      /* XXX */
                 case ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP:       /* XXX */
deleted here ->                        TIFFWarning(TIFFFileName(in), "using top-left orientation");
                         orientation = ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT;
                 /* fall thru... */
                 case ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT:
is that necessary? ->        TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, orientation);

----- Steven Enderle ----- m d n Huebner GmbH ----
----- enderle@mdn.de ----- + 49 911 93 90 90 -----
-----  Digital Imaging & Documentmanagment   -----