1997.02.17 10:26 "Error in tiff2ps.c", by Per Richard Osmundsen

1997.02.17 11:14 "Re: Error in tiff2ps.c", by Bjorn Brox

When converting from pixels/cm to pixels/inch the resolution should be multiplied by 2.54 not divided.

I.e. line 283 (aprox) in tiff2ps.c should be changed from

  xres /= 2.54; yres /= 2.54;


  xres *= 2.54; yres *= 2.54;

Hmmm, converting from centimeters to inches -- you are right.

On the other hand: I have never seen or head about TIFF files with ResolutionUnit == RESUNIT_CENTIMETER, but since the standard defines it as a legal value your fix should be included.

Bjorn Brox, mailto:brox@corena.no, CORENA A/S, http://www.corena.no/
P.O.Box 1024, Kongsberg Naeringspark, N-3601 Kongsberg, NORWAY,
Phone: +47 32 73 74 35, Fax: +47 32 73 68 77