2006.08.03 19:58 "[Tiff] libTiff and MSVC 6.0", by Sean Burke

2006.08.03 19:58 "[Tiff] libTiff and MSVC 6.0", by Sean Burke

Hello folks.
I am working with the Windows port of libtiff (v3.8.2) and MS Visual
Studio 6.0. I am running into a strange problem and I hope that someone
on the list can help me out.
   The following code is compiled as a multithreaded DLL and will throw
an exception after TIFFOpen is called:

#include "write2DTIFF.h"
__declspec(dllexport) write2DTIFF(char *fname,
                                unsigned long *buf,
                                unsigned long width,
                                unsigned long height);

__declspec(dllexport) write2DTIFF(char *fname,
                                unsigned long *buf,
                                unsigned long width,
                                unsigned long height)
    TIFF *tif;

    tif = TIFFOpen(fname, "w");
    TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, width);
    TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, height);
    if((TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(tif, 0, buf, width*height)) == -1){
        fprintf(stderr, "TIFFWriteEncodedStrip failed.\n");

     If I comment out the TIFFSetField and TIFFClose commands, I can get
an 8 bit file with the correct name (and presumably, the correct
header). If I add two or even three more TIFFOpen commands, they are
all opened correctly. Whenever I try to call any other command though,
the parent that calls the DLL catches an exception.

The above code is simple enough and doesn't appear to contain any obvious bugs. Am I screwing anything up here? Does anyone have any experience making a Windows DLL with libtiff and MSVC6?

Thank you for your time.


Sean Burke
Imaging Analysis Specialist
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Bronx, NY 10461
PH: 718.430.8628