2019.03.29 19:14 "[Tiff] combining TIFF images, not multi-page", by Paul Hemmer

2019.03.29 19:14 "[Tiff] combining TIFF images, not multi-page", by Paul Hemmer

Hi all,

I found tiffcp in the distribution, and it does a nice job of taking multiple files and combining them into a multi-page TIFF.

I have a folder full of images and I want to combine them into one large TIFF (possibly BigTIFF as needed) not as a multi-page TIFF but by concatenating the files side by side (left to right) into a single page TIFF.

Is this possible using LibTIFF? To append pixel data incrementally to an existing file? The goal is that I can create the resulting file without having to allocate enough RAM to hold everything in memory to be written at once.

Thanks for any ideas!