2023.06.09 13:07 "[Tiff] libtiff v4.5.1 RC1 available", by Even Rouault

2023.06.09 15:57 "Re: [Tiff] libtiff v4.5.1 RC1 available", by Edward Lam


On the tif_win32.c change which said:

- Behavior of TIFFOpen() mode "r+" in the Windows implementation adjusted to that of Linux.

I still see in `TIFFOpenWExt()` that we have:

        case O_RDWR:
            dwMode = OPEN_ALWAYS;

Doesn't this need to be changed to OPEN_EXISTING as well?

On reading this code now, I'm not sure that the O_TRUNC case is handled correctly either since I don't see TRUNCATE_EXISTING being used anywhere.

Best regards,