2023.06.14 12:45 "[Tiff] libtiff 4.5.1 is released", by Even Rouault

2023.06.14 13:10 "Re: [Tiff] libtiff 4.5.1 is released", by Greg Troxel

I've promoted rc3 as the final 4.5.1 release.

Thanks. pkgsrc updated and tests all pass on NetBSD 9 amd64 and earmv7hf-el.

This version will be the last one supporting most TIFF tools (except tiffinfo, tiffdump, tiffcp and tiffset), whose maintenance will be discontinued, due to the lack of contributors able to address reported security issues. Starting with libtiff v4.6.0, their source code, at this time ,will still be available in the source distribution, but they will no longer be built by default, and issues related to them will no longer be accepted in the libtiff bug tracker.

Thanks for the NEWS warning; I included that in the pkgsrc commit message.

I am guessing that pretty much nobody wants to use these any more, and that anything that needs to be done can be done by ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick or some such, and thus this is not a big deal, impacting perhaps only a few people, perphaps no actual people, running very old scripts. Is that a fair characterization?