2023.09.19 15:24 "[Tiff] unsupported/archived tools and feature in v4.6.0", by Lee Howard

2023.09.19 19:09 "Re: [Tiff] unsupported/archived tools and feature in v4.6.0", by Lee Howard

Rather than worrying about the existing CVEs, I recommend a thorough top/down, left/right, more holostic evaluation/analysis of each utility, resulting in re-working/re-writing the utility the way it should have been in the first place. Perhaps even starting using the older code as a reference (before the utility code started being full of band-aid patches) is a good approach.

I do not disagree at all. And, I'm certainly willing to help pay monetarily to hire an interested party to do just that.

However, if it's left to me, alone (as is often the case with maintaining HylaFAX), then I can only do what my time and needs permit.

